The present study was aimed at assessing the utility of a scale to measure alexithymia in the indian cultural set up. Brain sciences free fulltext gambling problems and. With that aim, we translated the original tas26 english to portuguese, adopting a. Taking the alexithymia questionnaire musings of an aspie. Three studies evaluated pp alexithymia, but none its relationship with thyroid indices. Available in dutch, english, arabic, french, farsi, italian, spanish, and polish. Alexithymia and its relationships with dissociative. It is a dimensional personality trait that varies in intensity from person to person. Inquisit lab has a builtin 30 day trial period during which the software is fully functional even if you havent purchased any licenses. Using the scale provided as a guide, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements by. The 20item version of the torontoalexithymia scale tas20 33 was the primary measure of alexithymia with respect to our second aim. Alexithymia, impulsiveness, and psychopathology in nonsuicidal selfinjured adolescents michela gatta,1 francesco dal santo,1 alessio rago,1 andrea spoto,2 pier antonio battistella1 1childhood adolescence family unit, ulss 16 padua university, 2department of general psychology, padua university, padova, italy introduction. Individuals with alexithymia have difficulty recognizing emotional states as they are happening.
Alexithymia and three competing explanatory personality traits were examined for their explanatory value for soms7d scores. For the purpose of studying alexithymia in loweducated adults, we intend to adapt the brazilian version of the toronto alexithymia scale tas26 and to verify its internal consistency. Fortyone items were devised based on the content areas. The twentyitem toronto alexithymia scale the twentyitem toronto alexithymia scale tas20 was developed by bagby et al. The relationship between alexithymia, anxiety, depression. Participants estimated number of hours of music practice during different ages throughout life. A persons alexithymia score can be measured with questionnaires such as the toronto alexithymia scale tas20, the bermondvorst alexithymia questionnaire bvaq, the online alexithymia questionnaire oaqg2 or the observer alexithymia scale oas. Alexithymia in women with anorexia nervosa the british.
Finding the psychometric properties of the original toronto alexithymia scale to be flawed, developers created the tas20 a revised measure consisting of 20 items divided into three separate factors, or domains of alexithymia. Twentyfive years with the 20item toronto alexithymia scale. Three selfreport questionnaires were used to assess the psychological factors. This study compared the 20item revised toronto alexithymia scale with the 26item version for 257 psychiatric outpatients. Alexithymia was assessed using the toronto alexithymia scale20 tas20, and anxiety and depression using the hospital anxiety and depression scale. Semantic scholar extracted view of assessment of alexithymia. The 20item toronto alexithymia scale tas20 is a selfreport questionnaire designed to measure the three components of alexithymia. All studies assessed alexithymia with the toronto alexithymia scale while gambling problems were assessed mostly with the south oaks gambling screen.
Please answer the following questions, using the scale provided. Musical activity and emotional competence a twin study. Item selection and crossvalidation of the factor structure. Alexithymia is an affective and cognitive condition characterized by difficulty recognizing and expressing feelings. Alexithymia was assessed using the toronto alexithymia scale20. The toronto alexithymia scale is a measure of deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing emotions. This free test takes only a couple of minutes to complete. Items are rated using a 5point likert scale whereby 1 strongly disagree and 5 strongly. Alexithymia refers to people who have difficulty identifying and describing emotions as well as differentiating between physical and emotional sensations. This online alexithymia questionnaire was developed in 2005 and overcomes some general shortcomings of other questionnaires like bermondvorst or tas20.
Im looking for the toronto alexithymia scale tas 20. An overview of alexithymia kindle edition by thompson, jason. In contrast to the toronto alexithymia scale tas20, which assesses only the cognitive alexithymia dimension. With this aim, we studied the psychometric properties of the twentyitem toronto alexithymia scale tas20 in chilean population using various modeling procedures e. While autism has been shown to be associated with a deficit in perspective taking cognitive empathy, it is much less clear to what degree individuals with asd also experience deficits in affective empathy. Vernacular version of the toronto alexithymia scale tas a newly devised self report alexithymia scale was assessed for its psychometric properties in a sample of 116 normal subjects. Observerrated alexithymia and its relationship with the fivefactor.
Alexithymia is a condition that does not have a high profile. It was developed in 1986 and later revised, removing some of the items. Cambridge core psychiatry and clinical psychology alexithymia edited by olivier luminet. The majority of research on the relationship between alexithymia and alcoholdependence has employed the selfadministered toronto alexithymia scale tas20. Sixtythree persons 34 psychiatric inpatients, 29 healthy controls first. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the toronto alexithymia scale, the internet addiction test, the hamilton anxiety scale, and the hamilton depression scale. If your test result indicates that you may have alexithymia, you will need further evaluation to clarify your condition. The tas20 is a selfreport scale that is comprised of 20 items. Early pospartum alexithymia and risk for depression. Scores on the 20item version significantly correlated with those on the 26item inventory even when controlled for depressed mood. Simply download and install inquisit, and the trial starts. The german version of the toronto structured interview for. They may on later reflection gain a vague sense that they were in the grip of a strong emotion like tearful sadness or rageful anger but are usually at a loss when trying to piece together what caused such emotions to manifest, i.
In may 2007 the online alexithymia questionnaire underwent a revision of nine questions 2, 7, 11, 12, 16, 23, 28, 33 having similarities to, or reproductions of, wordings in the toronto alexithymia scale tas20, with duplications being replaced by more original phrasing. Originally the questionnaire was done by jason thompson who intended to have a free alexithymia questionnaire available for the community. Alexithymic features were significantly more prevalent in pathological gamblers both at the community and clinical levels. Much of the existing adolescent alexithymia research, that has been conducted with the 20item toronto alexithymia scale, 12, showed associations between this construct and dissociative tendencies, 14 eating behavior disorders, 15 posttraumatic stress disorder, 16 emotional intelligence, 17 and abuse. Comparison of 26item and 20item versions of the toronto. The toronto alexithymia scale20 is arguably the most utilized. Soap web service annotations api oai service bulk downloads developers forum. Alpha coefficients and mean interitem correlations mics were adequate for the fullscale tas20 internet and paper versions and the difficulty identifying feelings dif and difficulty describing feelings ddf factor scale test scores. Somatic symptoms evoked by exam stress in university. Psychometric properties of the 20item toronto alexithymia. This article presents initial psychometric data on a new observerrated screening instrument, the childrens alexithymia measure cam.
Alexithymia is a particular personality feature characterized by ones difficulty in identifying and describe his or her emotions. When the trial period expires, inquisit will continue to run scripts but only data from the test monkey are saved. The tas20 accurately reflects and measures the alexithymia construct as it was originally described by nemiah and sifneos. Within the framework of a european research project on eating disorders inserm network no. University of tehran abstract this study investigated the psychometric properties of farsi version of the toronto alexithymia scale20 for 709 undergraduate students 416 females and 293 males at the university of tehran. The findings of the study showed that ia scores were associated with alexithymia scores, over and above the effect of negative emotions and age. The current version has twenty statements rated on a fivepoint likert scale. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Muller works for the crisis intervention service at. The tas20 surveys alexithymia on the three dimensions difficulty. Find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Factorial validity of the toronto alexithymia scale.
Read the german version of the toronto structured interview for alexithymia. The toronto alexithymia scale tas20 is a proprietary instrument. Given the high prevalence of alexithymia in alcohol use disorders, valid assessment tools are critical. Confirmatory factor analysis of the french translation of the 20item toronto alexithymia scale. Psychometric properties of farsi version of the toronto alexithymia scale20 ftas20 mohammad ali besharat ph. Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptions. This week for takeatest tuesday were taking the online alexithymia questionnaire. Alexithymia, impulsiveness, and psychopathology in.
Furthermore, the most current and psychometrically sound measure of alexithymiathe 20item toronto alexithymia scale tas20. The internet administration version of the 20item toronto alexithymia scale. Its not a formal diagnosis, but a way of describing a common set of experiences related to emotional dysfunction. The internet administration version of the 20item toronto. Crosscultural validation of the toronto alexithymia scale tas20 in u. Crosscultural validation of the toronto alexithymia scale. Nonsuicidal selfinjury nssi is a multifaceted phenomenon and a. Toronto alexithymia scale tas20 association for contextual.
The perth alexithymia questionnaire paq is a 24item selfreport measure of alexithymia. Predictive value of alexithymia in patients with eating. The findings showed a different association between body weight and alexithymia according to the instrument employed to evaluate alexithymia, supporting the importance of a multimethod assessment in some clinical conditions. Psychometric properties of farsi version of the toronto. Addressing shortcomings of the selfreport toronto alexithymia scale tas, two studies were. Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the 20item toronto alexithymia scale in nonclinical and psychiatric samples. Alexithymia in family caregivers of advanced cancer. Alexithymia and emotional reactions to odors scientific. A psychometric comparison of the toronto alexithymia scale. This is the second version of the online alexithymia.
Using the scale provided as a guide, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements by placing an x in he appropriate place. The tas20 has demonstrated good internal consistency and testretest reliability. The twentyitem toronto alexithymia scale tas20 is a selfreport measure of the. Furthermore, the 20item scale showed greater internal consistency. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading emotionally dumb. Of 320 family caregivers visiting the palliative care department, 152 47. An initial item set was developed following focus groups with parents and professionals.
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